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Recruitment campaigns

IET volunteering opportunities

We offer a wide variety of volunteering opportunities, which deliver vital services such as professional registration, mentoring and accreditation, in addition to inspiring young people into the profession, sharing knowledge through communities, contributing to publishing, building good governance, educating the next generation and applying expertise to influence stakeholders and government. You can explore our volunteer roles and apply any time.

Recruitment campaigns

We run volunteer recruitment campaigns if a particular area of volunteering has an increased requirement, and these are included in the ‘Vacancies’ board below.

Other organisations

We are also keen to promote volunteering opportunities from organisations outside of the IET, which may be of interest to our members and within the remit of our vision and mission.

If you have a volunteer opportunity that you would like to see advertised on our ‘Vacancies’ board please email for assistance.

Chair of the IET Awards and Scholarships Committee

Would you like to try something new?

We’re currently searching for our next Chair of the IET Awards and Scholarships Committee – would you like an opportunity to reinforce and strengthen your skills around strategic leadership and financial management, chair meetings and promoting an inclusive, transparent and fair culture?

This Committee manages the strategic direction and development of the IET’s core portfolio of Awards and Scholarships and is responsible for the related expenditure from IET Trust Funds.  It ensures that the portfolio of Awards reflects the range of engineering and technology covered by the IET and encourages a diverse and inclusive pool of suitable applicants.

Support your peers to IET Fellowship

As a Fellowship Assessor you would be reviewing applications and using your expert judgment to arrive at a reasoned view on whether a candidate demonstrates the published attributes to be elected to IET Fellow.

Please complete our Registration and Standards Application Form and return to

Are you Professionally Registered? 

Why not challenge yourself and make a real difference by becoming an IET volunteer within Professional Registration.

Not only does volunteering count towards your Continuous Professional Development (CPD) but you’ll also be helping to support

other engineers and technicians to achieve Professional Registration.

Could you be a Professional Review Interviewer?

Or a Registration Assessor?

Please complete our Registration and Standards Application Form and return to

Our Communities are currently recruiting

Our Communities put on a range of activities that shape inspiring content, highlight the latest news and advances in engineering and technology, and influence key audiences.

By helping to organise and run these activities you can develop your team-working, time management, budgeting, event planning, problem-solving, leadership, communication, organisation, adaptability, patience, participation in meetings and presenting.

Sound like something you would like to do? 

Did someone support and inspire you to become who you are today?

Are you professionally registered and able to be that person for someone who is on their own registration journey? We are currently seeking Mentors across all registration categories and have a particular need for those working in Electrical Plant and Machines, Information and Communication, Systems and Software.

Volunteer with Foothold

Would you like to become a member of the Foothold volunteer team and help support your community of engineers and their families? Whether you already have lots of experience or are keen to start something new, they would love to hear from you.

Volunteer to use your engineering and practical skills with Remap

Remap helps disabled people in the UK live more independent lives and are looking for volunteers to design and custom-make equipment. If you have the enthusiasm for inclusive design and see the potential of engineering to change people’s lives they’d love to hear from you.